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You can pay in one of the following ways.

Pay on delivery

Payment to the company courier upon delivery of our products. The cost of cash on delivery is 2.5 €.

Bank account deposit

You can deposit the purchase price in one of the following accounts. Commissions and bank costs are entirely the responsibility of the buyer.

Viva Wallet

  • Αριθμός Λογ.: 0000524197290603
  • IBAN: GR5170100000000524197290603
  • Holder name: Panagiotis Fasilis

After completing the deposit, contact us by phone at 27540 22873 or via email at to verify the deposit. Commissions and bank costs are entirely the responsibility of the buyer.

Credit or Debit Card Debit

The cards are charged securely through the service Viva WalletWe must inform you that the charges for all card transactions are borne by us for our customers.


The smart way to pay
Enjoy the flexibility of KLARNA. Buy what you want at the check-out of the online store and pay in 3 installments without any additional fees.

IRIS Payment

The IRIS Payments service enables you, within a few seconds, any day and time, money from your account to make your purchases in online stores, with a direct debit to your account.

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